Let's get healthy together!

Whether you want to lose weight, want to gain weight (muscle), or want to maintain your weight, let's do it together!

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

CHOOSING to be healthy

I like the title of our blog - because it really is a choice. I think today it hit me that I decide what I eat every single time. No one is forcing me to eat junk food and fattening stuff. I am in complete control.
Today I ate 2 hot dogs - yes count that again. TWO!! Using the excuse that I'm almost 6 months pregnant isn't even a good excuse. I need to be eating healthier! Not just because of the weight I'll gain eating like that, but I need to be healthy for my little baby girl and so I'll feel better.
So here is to making better choices BEFORE the food goes in my mouth. Why is it so hard when we really have complete control over the situation? Hmm...makes me think. I'm not really that weak am I? I can be stronger.
So tomorrow I'm going to the store, buying tons of fruits, veggies, and chicken, and making healthy, tasty snacks.
And no more hot dogs -- even though I just found the most amazing place in Ladera Ranch called Jerry's that makes the best dogs around. And unfortunately that has been my pregnancy craving...bummer. :(

I didn't know

About 4 1/2 weeks ago I got a sore throat and a cough. Then an ear ache and a slight fever. The throat and ear got better but the cough got worse. It made me cough to talk. I had no energy and just felt bad all the time. Honestly I would have a better day and think I had it kicked but go right back where I was then have a better day again. About two weeks in the ear ache and sore throat went away so it was just this killer cough. With no insurance and little money right now it took a while but I finally caved and went to the doctor.

It took eight hours in two four hour stretches but I eventually saw a doctor. She wanted to know why I waited so long. I told her I would feel better but then it would hit hard again. I told her it wore me out. She said, "A virus will run no more than two weeks. If it goes longer than two weeks it is likely and bacterial infection and will need antibiotics." I just thought I had a cold. I didn't know it wouldn't go away.

It will take nearly a week to kick this thing with the antibiotics. That will make it more than 5 weeks. Nobody should be sick this long.

So I decided to post. I figure if I didn't know maybe you didn't either. Apparently the magic number is 15. If you have a cold more than 15 days it is probably not just a cold and you should seek medical care.