Getting ready for the week
I'm still in love with my smoothies. I make one most mornings. Whenever I buy frozen fruit, I put it in small, snack-size bags so that I can just grab one in the morning. I bought four bags of frozen fruit at Trader Joe's, mixed it all up, and it made 13 bags, about 1 cup each.
I added up all the ingredients for my smoothie -
Fruit - $12
Protein Powder - $12
Flaxseed Oil - $7
Almond Milk - $6
Stevia, water, juice, whatever else I decide to throw in - Let's say $1
TOTAL - $38 for 13 smoothies, which equals about $3 per smoothie...pretty good deal! Cheap breakfast!
I use more fruit than the recipe calls for, but I'm a fruity gal. You could make it cheaper if you used less. If for some odd reason I don't have time to make one in the morning (It only takes 5 minutes!), I have oatmeal packets at work that I eat. Both meals are very filling and get my metabolism revved up for the day. Now if I could only figure out how to eat healthier at lunch!!! I'm working on it!
For the recipe and my post about health concerns that inspired this blog, click here.
Yeah I am so glad you started the healthy blog! I am so excited to comment and contribute!
Way to go Hizz!
Good idea with the baggies - I'll have to try that!
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