Let's get healthy together!

Whether you want to lose weight, want to gain weight (muscle), or want to maintain your weight, let's do it together!

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Getting ready for the week

I'm still in love with my smoothies. I make one most mornings. Whenever I buy frozen fruit, I put it in small, snack-size bags so that I can just grab one in the morning. I bought four bags of frozen fruit at Trader Joe's, mixed it all up, and it made 13 bags, about 1 cup each.

I added up all the ingredients for my smoothie -
Fruit - $12
Protein Powder - $12
Flaxseed Oil - $7
Almond Milk - $6
Stevia, water, juice, whatever else I decide to throw in - Let's say $1
TOTAL - $38 for 13 smoothies, which equals about $3 per smoothie...pretty good deal! Cheap breakfast!

I use more fruit than the recipe calls for, but I'm a fruity gal. You could make it cheaper if you used less. If for some odd reason I don't have time to make one in the morning (It only takes 5 minutes!), I have oatmeal packets at work that I eat. Both meals are very filling and get my metabolism revved up for the day. Now if I could only figure out how to eat healthier at lunch!!! I'm working on it!

For the recipe and my post about health concerns that inspired this blog, click here.


Tara October 5, 2008 at 7:12 PM  

Yeah I am so glad you started the healthy blog! I am so excited to comment and contribute!

Way to go Hizz!

Christa Jeanne October 15, 2008 at 3:59 PM  

Good idea with the baggies - I'll have to try that!